Blockchain Data
total transactions chart
The Total Transactions Chart shows the cumulative number of transactions on the Aeon blockchain.
daily transactions count chart
The Daily Transactions Count Chart shows the number of transactions carried out every day on the Aeon blockchain.
average transactions per block chart
The Average Transactions Per Block Chart indicates the historical average number of transactions per block of the Aeon blockchain.
average block size chart
The Average Block Size Chart shows the historical average block size in bytes of the Aeon blockchain.
blockchain size chart
The Blockchain Size Chart details the chain data size in bytes of the Aeon blockchain.
average block time chart
The Average Block Time Chart shows the historical average time taken in seconds for a block to be included in the Aeon blockchain.
total blocks chart
The Total Blocks Chart shows the cumulative number of blocks on the Aeon blockchain.
daily blocks count chart
The Daily Blocks Count Chart shows the number of blocks mined each day on the Aeon blockchain.